Monday, March 31, 2014

Good and Evil Twins with Split Pic

One of my students suggested this app...he uses it on his phone but there is an iPad version, or you can use the iPhone app on the iPad.  I imagine there are similar options in the android market.
Great free iPhone app allows you to create one photo with two by splitting the lens. While there are more applications, I'm sure, we are using this one today to create a graphic with good and evil twins.  

Students describe their twins using terminology like "travieso", "consentido", "bien educado", or "generosa".

This was the original, which he liked so much he posted to his Instagram account.  He later added his adjectives in Pic collage. 

Some students did theirs using the regular camera feature, then importing two photos into PicCollage, like this one...

(Yes, I realize there are some errors. This led to a productive review discussion about adjectives and gender.)

(Student photos used with permission)