Thursday, June 21, 2012

The end...

So I feel as if I've just found them and they are going away, but from what short time I've followed them, I've learned a huge amount. I guess I'll be spending time with the archives from now on...thank you for filling a void in a very scary field...!

Paper-less, not necessarily paper-free

Beginning this fall, I'll be implementing iPads in daily use. I am feeling like I may need to "define" what our new classroom will be like...I do believe that the kids and I may need to brainstorm together but this is the shape of my thoughts so far:
1. Paperless does not mean paper free-it means, wherever possible, assignments will be submitted in electronic format.
2. It is still going to include whole group instruction and interaction.
3. Students will still be called to interact with each other
4. Some students may prefer to take paper notes. And keep their info in a binder.
5. Students may need more than one iPad with certain assignments since you can only see one window at a time